Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I am stuck?

If you find yourself frustrated, unable to make the progress you look to achieve, or you feel you are starting to avoid tasks, people, work, or family, you might be stuck.  If you have lost track of your progress, you are stuck until you re-evaluate your progress on an individual task or your strategic plans.  Getting stuck is often associated with lifestyle events like marriage, having children, promotions and demotions, moving, and the death of friends or family; you will need patience to recuperate from these, and then resume your fulfillment endeavors.

 In what order should I work the Lifelong Fulfillment process?

From an age perspective it is best to start the process as a Young Adult, and continue it during Mature Adulthood and Retirement.  From a task perspective, if you are working without a well rounded strategic plan appropriate to your current circumstances, then it is best to pause and re-establish as strategic vision and plan.  From a personal development perspective, if you have not already, it is best to do several or all  the personal assessments like Myers-Briggs before creating your strategic plan because the results will inform you of your known and unknown character values.

 For whom is Lifelong Fulfillment appropriate?

Everyone who is 20 years of age and older can benefit from Lifelong Fulfillment (LLF) learning, processes, and implementation.  Some may say that all they have to do is follow their gut to arrive at fulfillment; but unfortunately, this can only be true in a single narrowly defined objective.  It doesn’t address a well rounded set of tools and processes that deliver fulfillment in all its widely varying dimensions.  LLF helps us over the rough spots, focuses our efforts for maximum return, and teaches each one of us individually the information we need to succeed.

 Why should I trust the Lifelong Fulfillment process to work for me?

Starting with point solutions, the author has used the principles and processes of Lifelong Fulfillment (LLF) for 50 years with great success, including negotiating life’s major upsets.  The author identifies best in class point solutions which are  stand alone, single issue solutions  from experts like Maslow, Duckworth, Covey, Lyubomirsky, Thaler, Carnegie, Myers, and many others.  LLF integrated principles and processes, like the ever important Pareto Rule (80/20%,) provide the framework, planning, and accountability for the point solutions to be effective as they contribute to your complete vision of fulfillment.

 What if I don’t agree with my personality profile results?

Lifelong Fulfillment (LLF) doesn’t advocate any single personality assessment tool as the basis for understanding one’s personal attributes; instead, LLF recommends a minimum of Myers-Briggs Personality Typing; Values Inventory Assessment of Strengths; Three Dimensions of the Good Life; Dominance, Influence, Steadiness; Compliance (DISC) Personality Types; and Risk Tolerance.  Further testing can inform your person to person compatibility, career fit, and style.  You should feel some affinity for the results, but not absolute agreement; you should be looking for cross test concurrence and general trends that feel comfortable and reflect your personality.

 What is the difference between Happiness and Fulfillment?

Fulfillment is the actual or felt satisfaction of needs and desires, or the attainment of aspirations (American Psychology Association, 2018)The definition of self-fulfillment is the ability of a person to make themselves happy by meeting their personal goals. This concept is also known as self-actualization or self-realization. Self-fulfillment is a personal concept that is different for each individual. 

Happiness is defined differently depending on who you ask. Some people define happiness as a positive emotional experience.  More than simply positive mood, happiness is a state of well-being that encompasses living a good life, one with a sense of meaning and deep contentment.  (Psychology Today, 2020) 

To sum up, happiness is an emotional state that isn’t necessarily planned or in an individual’s control, while fulfillment is an individual’s satisfaction with results that are intentional and happiness is a component of that self actualization.

Why do I need math, business, or economics skills?

Lifelong Fulfillment’s (LLF) dependability at delivering our most cherished lifestyle relies on authoritative and multidisciplinary expert approaches in which math, business, economics, and other disciplines contribute valuable understanding and tools.  For instance LLF advocates the use of SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely) so nothing is undertaken without planning and measurement of results.

How am I to grow my essential knowledge?

Lifelong Fulfillment (LLF) teaches individuals how to identify experts and to cross check their recommendations for consensus.  LLF provides a comprehensive list of relevant point solutions in books, podcasts, and databases for you to use.  Your contribution to your own development is reading, listening, taking notes, and making priority judgements pertinent to your individual goals.  Whether the information is to inform your planning or to achieve your tactical goals, you have focused access on the resources and processes that will deliver the results you want.

What don’t I know about achieving fulfillment?

We all lack complete accurate knowledge at any point in our lives.  The best we can do is to inform ourselves in a factual manner of the knowledge important to our vision of a fulfilling life.  For instance the Johari Window helps us manage our interpersonal interactions in 1) things known to you and others (arena), 2) things known to you and not to others (façade), 3) things known to others and not to you (blind spot), and 4) things unknown to others and unknown to you (unknown).  The more you know the better your decisions will be, right?

 This Lifelong Fulfillment looks a lot like work!

Bingo!  But so does having a career, family, and good life experiences based on your gut reactions.  Lifelong Fulfillment eliminates the prejudice, unbridled enthusiasm, and unintended consequences of the personal gut approach in favor of a more disciplined approach.  It’s more productive and dependable work than going it alone based on your best guess. And the only way to fail is to do nothing.