Point Solutions: Contrarian Views
- Confessions of An Economic Hitman, John Perkins, 2016
- Essentialism, Greg McKeown, 2014
- Evil Geniuses, The Unmaking of America, Kurt Andersen, 2020
- Digital Minimalism, Cal Newport, 2019
- Hegemony or Survival, Noam Chomsky, 2003
- Hormegeddon, How Too Much of A Good Thing Leads to Disaster, Bill Bonner, 2014
- Ishmael, Daniel Quinn, 1992
- Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity, John Stossel , 2006
- On Behavioral Economics
- On Finance, Business, Government, Frontline
- On Leading Edge Current Events
- Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs, 2000
- Survival With Style, Bradford Angier, 1972
- The Decline of Men, Guy Garcia, 2008
- The Hydrogen Economy, Jeremy Rifkin, 2002
- The Monkey Wrench Gang, Edward Abbey, 1975
- The Pinball Effect, James Burke, 1996
- The Story of B, Daniel Quinn, 1996
- Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O’Neil, 2016
- Why Democracies Fail – Louis Paquette