Point Solutions for Seniors

Seniors are those individuals above 60 years of age focused on experimentation, leisure, mindfulness, happiness, fulfillment, and self actualization.

Of the many point solutions in business, economics, psychology, and self help available to the public, the following are a selection of recommended resources to help seniors embrace their hard won wisdom and make the transition to self fulfillment.  With these point solutions in hand, Lifelong Fulfillment empowers individuals to understand who they are, what they want out of life, the necessary financial, educational, and environmental information they need, and to master the robust and dependable process that delivers results.  A more complete offering is available in the book Lifelong Fulfillment and on line at Vision In Action, Live!

Personal Development



  • Age Power, How the 21st Century Will be Ruled by the New Old, Ken Dychtwald, PhD, 1999 (Exploring the Future of Aging with Dr. Ken Dychtwald – YouTube)
  • Life Reimagined, Discovering Your New Life Possibilities, Richard Leider and Alan Webber, 2013 (Life Reimagined by Richard J. Leider & Alan M. Webber (BK …)
  • Retire and Thrive, Robert Otterbourg, 1999
  • Understanding Men’s Passages, Discovering the New Map of Men’s Lives, Gail Sheehy, 1998 (‘Understanding Men’s Passages’ by Gail Sheehy – YouTube)
  • Renaissance in Retirement, Jim Boswell, November 2019 @Creative Aging, Inc, ENMU Ruidoso, NM. “You Can Energize Your Life in Retirement!  This workshop will coach you through the tools and processes to develop your vision for a fulfilling retirement and show you how to achieve your individual goals.  Following Renaissance in Retirement principles, this is a “hands on”, interactive workshop in which you will establish you own personal plans for immediate implementation.”, www.lifelongfulfillment.com