You are your own business, effectively no different than any business, institution, organization, or human enterprise you may know, patronize, respect, or hate. Every dimension of your life maps to every business activity, because business is a human enterprise composed of a constituency of individuals. This is why some of the best advice for your lifelong fulfillment plans regarding risk, reward, investment, planning, and execution comes from business. A good example is the conversion of business economics to personal economics in The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, & Broke, Suze Orman, 2005 (The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous, & Broke – Suze O…).
Business relies on proficiencies in value propositions, vision, focus, placement and integration with existing and forecast human activities, invention, design, finance, manufacturing, creating inventory, packaging, delivery, support, profit, investment, and rewarding shareholders. Businesses must do their business in the most efficient manner possible to succeed. Remember too, businesses spend large sums of money to do the smartest things with their business in every discipline – HR, Finance, Accounting, Sales, Marketing, Production, Distribution, Customer Service, Taxes, and they have vastly more resources to invest in smart behaviors than the average individual.
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