The First Personal Lifestyle Development Plan is ideally for every mature student, especially juniors and seniors in college and others of this age grouping.  At the end of your senior year in high school and college you will arrive at a strategic inflection point where everything will change for you.  You will have received the best of experience, training, and education available from family, teachers, and coaches.  You may have some political, religious, civic, or institutional indoctrination as well to consider.  You may have a little money saved up, a college degree nearing completion, some idea of what you like, some work experience, and a lot of questions.  That’s okay, because questions are good, both now and later on.

On the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, you are mostly at the base of the pyramid at this point, in search of security, food, a place to live, and the money to make it all work.  Maybe some fun too!  That is by definition your Pareto focus for a while.  You are in early days, the fulfillment of higher levels on the Maslow pyramid will come somewhat later.

Download “Your First Fulfillment Plan” to read the entire article.